Booking Information
St Nicholas Hall
St Nicholas Hall can seat 100 people in comfort
This room is wheelchair accessible​ with a disabled toilet directly opposite. There is a pull down projector screen but you will have to provide your own projector with this room booking.
£21.00 per hour

The Lecture Hall (ground-floor)
The Lecture Hall can seat 40 people
​Hire of projector system - £10.00 per booking.
£14.00 per hour or £21.00 per hour when hiring with adjacent Activities Room
Please let us know if you need this facility when booking.

First Floor
Meeting Rooms
Room E Meeting Room - seats 12 around a table £14.00 per hour
Room A Meeting Room - seats 8-10 around a table £14.00 per hour
Room D (One on one meeting room/complimentary therapy room only suitable for up to 3 people max) - £10.50 per hour
The Kitchen
With state of art stainless steel surfaces and commercial dishwasher.
This facility can be hired for both tea and coffee preparations or making meals.
Price on booking enquiry
Activities Room, which has wooden floors, is the same size as the Lecture Hall and is adjacent to it.
Lecture Hall and Activities Room can be hired together as they have connecting doors.
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The Church itself can seat 216 in the gallery, and 284 on ground floor only - Price on enquiry only.
We operate all our bookings on a managed solution regarding accessibility to our building, when making or enquiring about your booking please let us know your requirements and we can try, as best as we can, to meet your specific needs.
Other Information
The Lecture Hall and Church have hearing loops, and there is also a portable loop for use in the hall.
There is wheelchair access to all ground floor rooms and a disabled toilet.
Access to the Lecture Hall and Activities Room is via the main car park entrance.
Wheelchair access to St Nicholas Hall is via Abbey Foregate. Please arrange when booking.
We do not have wheelchair access to first floor rooms at present.
Use of the car park is free for people attending events,
and there are 5 designated disabled parking spaces.
Please note: All bookings must end by 10 pm and we do not take bookings for Sunday mornings
For further information ring the Church office on 01743368932
between 10am and 2pm Monday to Friday